In past
few years crop management and planning have improved with widespread
implementation of Remote Sensing, GPS and GIS technologies, which is now widely
being used in agricultural applications. Information derived from
earth-observation satellites can provide cost-effective methods, both for the
large scale as well as localized monitoring of crop acreage output and
Satellite imagery is
used as a tool for recording important information that is needed before and
during the growing season. The remote sensing methods enable crop acreage
estimation while crop is still standing in the field. The information
derived from this data could be used to reveal vegetative health, pinpoint the
location of non-productive areas, and help in effective planning and analyzing
operations. This information can be shared with all those associated with crop
management and marketing who, in turn, can plan beforehand for their
procurement, storage, distribution and export. The requirements of different
stake holders are as follows-
Total expected produce of each crop type
during the current year
Floods/draught conditions developing in
different area
The farmers impacted by crop damage
The total irrigation water requirements and
water conservation plan
Capacity of cold storage, go-down and
subsequent transport planning for disbursement
Total farm subsidies and whether the system is
fully transparent
Tentative revenue collection
Cadastral level information
The location to open new market based on crop
field location
Banking and Micro-finance
sector require data on:
Agri-potential zones to take decision
regarding the disbursement of loans
Status of the crop and the amount grown by the
loanee farmer for the recovery of loans
Exporters require data
Acreage of crop that would be available for
Base price that can be fixed based on supply
and demand
Time by which the crop may reach the market
Insurance sector
companies require data:
To ascertain the actual premium to be levied
in each ‘Insurance Circle’To monitor growth of the Insurer’s crop
To ascertain if there is a real loss in the
crop of the insurer
To assess the actual amount of compensation to
be paid to the insurer
For timely payment of compensation in order to
attract the farmer
distribution companies require data on:
Crop type so that an assessment on the
requirement of fertilizer in the region can be made
Land suitability and acreage of crop type to
ascertain demand and supply of seeds & fertilizer
Contract farmers require
data on:
Agri-potential zones to take decision on
taking up contract farming
Details about the farmers
Transportation facility for carrying the crop
Excel Geomatics uses
appropriate set of multi-temporal satellite image, acquired during the
appropriate times of plant growth and harvest, combined with GPS aided field
survey & market survey to create data on-
Crop Acreage
Crop Performance
Crop Yield
Crop Production
Location of Markets
General trends, followed by the farmers etc.
The team has
experience of mapping crops like wheat, paddy, sorghum, millet, chickpea,
pigeon pea, onion, groundnut, cotton, sugarcane, sunflower, sesame, clover,
blue panic, Rhodes grass; palms, pomegranate, and vegetables etc.