• Email Address: info@excelgeomatics.com
  • Phone number: + 91-9871771849
digital tax

Digital Tax

Mapping of Natural/Physical Resources

Land use / Land cover
Soil/ Geology
Slope, aspect & altitude
Rainfall & Temp.
Transport network & Settlement
Collection of Data on Contemporary Technology
Socio-economic & Demographic Data
Formulation of Decision Rules for Natural Resource Management
Integration and Analysis of different Thematic Maps
Creation of Action Plan Map for Sustainable Development
DPR Preparation
Livelihood Development
Mapping of existing Natural Resources
Mapping of physical infrastructure
Collection of data on socio-economic condition
GIS analysis
Land Development Studies
Parcel Mapping
Up gradation of Parcel Maps Using Latest Satellite Images
Parcel wise latest Land-useLand-cover Map
Accurate GIS database of Parcel, including the ownership record
Preparation of Land Capability Map using existing physical and natural parameters
Terrain Height
Terrain Slope
Terrain Aspect
Soil Type
Rainfall Amount
Temperature Distribution

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